Why social relationships are key for good health


Are social relationships good for our health? It’s a great question and one that was asked of me recently – and the answer is absolutely yes! We know that loneliness is one of the biggest causes of preventable death, alongside stress and other causes. But with loneliness we’re increasingly recognising that it has a significant effect on our overall health and our mortality – how long we live.

I want to quote a book that I’ve mentioned before by Dan Buettner, it’s called The Blue Zones. The Blue Zones are seven or eight parts of the world that have the highest proportion of centenarians in the world. People are living longer in these places than anywhere else, and Dan distilled it down to about nine different things that these people were doing – one of them was that they had very strong social connections.

They had family and friends around them, and made an effort to see these people – so they never felt alone or lonely. The consequence of that amongst other things like lots of movement, eating fresh homegrown vegetables, drinking red wine that was made by themselves or very local to them (but in small amounts), and a handful of other things contributed to the extraordinary health span that they had. But social connections and bonding were a very key part of that. It all plays into self-esteem but also your feelings of connecting and just being human because that is largely what it’s all about – it’s the connections that we form. If you haven’t already thought about this, give it some thought.

Do you ever feel lonely? Be really honest with yourself. Can you join more clubs? Can you connect with more like-minded people? Can you make more of an effort to go out and mix even when you might not want to do it? The impact on your health is really quite extraordinary.

I urge you to have a look and see what else you can do, and also look at the quality of your current connections. Are these people really your tribe? Are they people that inspire you and light you up and you get excited about?

Bodyshot Total Health Optimisation Package

We have brought together everything you need to optimise your mind, body and wellbeing, in one package. The Total Health Optimisation Package includes the DNA test for diet and fitness combined with a non-invasive blood test panel for over 15 key markers including cholesterol, iron, vitamin D3, HbA1C (diabetes), liver performance, thyroid, testosterone and vitamin B12. The Oura ring for sleep monitoring, activity tracking and recovery is also included.

Once we’ve received the results of your DNA and blood test, we arrange a suitable time for the consultation which takes place online and lasts approximately 60 minutes. In the consultation, we analyse your results, explain what everything means and draw up a personalised action plan.

Our Total Health Optimisation Package includes an eBook that gives you loads of tips, information and a resource you can keep coming back to. The eBook is a concise summary of everything we’ve learned from the hundreds of clients we’ve helped to optimise their health. It also includes access to our Six Signals® Course: optimise your mind, body and wellbeing, an online product containing over 2.5 hours of quality content and a resource you can keep and come back to whenever you need a refresh or additional motivation.

Click here to find out more on this package

What you get:

  • DNA test for diet and fitness
  • GI Map for comprehensive gut testing
  • Oura ring
  • Custom Blood Panel
  • eBook
  • Six Signals® Online Course Access
  • 21 Day Course of Goat Milk Kefir
  • Consultation with a Health Expert

What’s your Health IQ?

If you’re reading this, you’re are probably in a reasonably senior position, running your own business or have a busy life running the home and juggling other responsibilities. Either way, you’re busy. The convergent pressures of work and family life have probably meant that the time you did have to spend on health and fitness has disappeared. Why not talk to us and see how we can help.

Click here to take our test.

Leanne Spencer is an entrepreneur, coach, TEDx Speaker, author of Remove the Guesswork, and founder of Bodyshot Performance Limited. Bodyshot is a health and fitness consultancy that helps busy professionals get more energy by removing the guesswork around their health, fitness and nutrition. Visit www.bodyshotperformance.com or email info@bodyshotperformance.com to register your interest in our services and connect with us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter.

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