Why More and More of Us Are Taking Part in Extreme Sporting Events


Why are more and more people moving away from the more conventional types of exercise to these tough, rugged, gritty, difficult sporting events? Take a listen and explore the topic with SAS Who Dare Wins’ Spencer Locker.

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Topics Discussed in this Episode:

  • Why people are drawn to extreme sporting events
  • Physical conditioning versus mental and emotional conditioning
  • Getting to your discomfort zone and improving resilience
  • Spencer’s experience with getting in people’s faces and getting people to a little shy of breaking point and how he recovers from it

Key Takeaways:

  • When you start thinking about conditioning to achieve something, there’s a WHY behind it. If there wasn’t a point to it, people wouldn’t do it.
  • Mental and emotional conditioning is a difficult thing, as compared to physical conditioning.
  • In today’s society, people are recognizing that they’re not being challenged in any way, shape or form.
  • As a species, we are hard-wired to be resilient. That’s how we’ve progressed from hunter-gatherers living in caves to us now living in the digital world where everything is instant.
  • Resilience is a muscle that needs to be worked. Like any other attribute, you need to keep practicing it and you need to keep challenging it to be aware of your level of resilience and maintain it or improve it.
  • One of the fundamentals of resilience is honesty.
  • Once you start taking accountability and learning from your mistakes, people see that and you start building credibility and integrity.

Action Steps:

  • Push yourself out of your comfort zone.
  • Be honest with yourself and take responsibility for things. Don’t resort to blaming something or somebody else for when things go wrong.
  • Take accountability and learn from your mistakes.
  • Stop treating people with suspicion and start joining together and working together.

Spencer said:

“We are busy at work, we do get challenged at work, but for us to be able to deal with that challenge, we’ve also got to be resilient, we’ve got to be able to deal with it. And you can’t do that by reading a blog or watching a vlog or downloading an app.”

“We have to, as a species, be resilient. We’ve got to try things, we’ve got to fail at things. But society doesn’t allow us to fail.”

Thanks for listening!

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