Why Goat Milk Kefir Could Be the Natural Remedy for IBS, Depression and Anxiety with Shann Nix Jones – Part 2


Are you ready for another dose of helpful information about what goat milk kefir can do for you and your health? In part 2 of my interview with Shann Nix Jones, the owner of Chuckling Goat, we talk more about IBS, depression, and anxiety, and the possible natural remedies for those conditions.

Visit https://www.bodyshotperformance.com/podcasts-blog for the complete show notes of every podcast episode.

Topics Discussed in this Episode:

  • The effects of dopamine versus serotonin

  • The 4 Cs that you can do to get serotonin

  • Why you need tryptophan and where you can find it

  • The problem with taking anti-depressant drugs or SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors)

  • The causes and symptoms of IBS

  • How goat milk kefir can help with IBS

Key Takeaways:

  • You can either experience pleasure or you can be happy but you can’t be both. Biochemically, the experience of pleasure and the experience of happiness are two different things.

  • The experience of pleasure is something that you get from the reward circuit or the dopamine circuit in your brain. The problem with dopamine is that it is a neurotoxic chemical that damages the receptor on the other end over time. Eventually, that receptor cell will die, and at that point, you have a full-blown addiction.

  • Serotonin, on the other hand, creates that calm, zen-like feeling of happiness that is actually sustainable.

  • You can reduce the amount of dopamine and increase the amount of serotonin by making good food choices.

  • Medical doctors don’t have a solution for IBS because it’s about your gut bugs. But the science is in, and there is an answer, there is a solution.

Action Steps:

  • Make that switch in your lifestyle and concentrate on serotonin activities and serotonin food.

  • Try the natural remedies first before you take any chemicals in your body.

  • Get outside. The fastest thing you can do to make yourself feel better is taking a 15-minute walk outside.

  • Boost your immune system by getting under the trees and inhaling the phytochemicals coming off the trees.

  • Interact with nature by growing plants.

  • Look at your personal care products and your household cleaning products and see how you can make them more natural.

Shann said:

“It is an incredibly serious thing to block your body from absorbing serotonin because it is not just your brain that absorbs serotonin, it is your entire body, every single organ… You block that, you increase your risk of death by 33%.”

“They have now shown that it is a disruption in your gut bugs that actually cause IBS… It is dysbiosis. Whether or not your doctor knows it’s dysbiosis, if they don’t know it, then they haven’t done their reading. The science is out there. You tell them to go and catch up.”

Thanks for listening!

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Links to things we discuss in the show:

More from Shann Nix Jones:

Shann’s Website

Shann’s Twitter: @ShannNixJones

Chuckling Goat’s Twitter: @ChucklingGoat

Chuckling Goat’s Instagram: @chucklinggoat

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