What Your Oral Health Reveals About Your Mental, Physical and Spiritual Wellbeing with Holistic Dentist Dr. Kathrin Huzelmann



Do you want to know what holistic dentistry looks like? What does your oral health tell you about other aspects of your health and wellbeing? Find out as holistic dentist Dr. Kathrin Huzelman shares her practice.

Visit https://www.bodyshotperformance.com/podcasts-blog for complete show notes of every podcast episode, and here to listen to the episode.

Topics Discussed in this Episode:

  • What’s special about Kathrin’s approach to dentistry

  • The links between the gut and the mouth

  • The issue of using mercury fillings in the mouth and what are its alternatives

  • Craniosacral therapy and how it works

  • Using hypnotherapy in treatments

  • Neuro-linguistic programming and how it helps in the practice

  • Identifying your mental and spiritual health through the mouth

Key Takeaways:

  • If you look to India, if you look at Ayurveda or traditional Chinese medicine, they all integrate the mouth with the body. It’s only in Western medicine that we look at teeth as a separate entity from the rest of the body.

  • The mouth is really important, and if it doesn’t function properly or if it smells or if it’s in any way, shape or form unhealthy, then you can’t enjoy your life.

  • Our teeth are energetically connected. If you look at traditional Chinese medicine, for example, you have a heart tooth, a kidney tooth, a liver tooth, a lung and large intestine tooth.

  • Teeth are also connected to emotions.

  • Oregano essential oil is better than any antibiotic for inflammation in the mouth.

Action Steps:

  • Keep your mouth clean, healthy, and strong.

  • Choose an essential oil by holding the bottle in your hand, closing your eyes, and trying to see whether the oil has an effect on you.

Dr. Kathrin Huzelmann said:

“The mouth is your portal into the body. How we connect to the world and how the world is coming into you goes through the mouth.”

“The mouth is the first fortress of the immune system. So if the mouth isn’t healthy, it can’t fight whatever comes into the body.”

Thanks for listening!

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If you’ve enjoyed what you’ve heard on this episode and it’s added value to you, share the episode with someone you think could benefit from it. And don’t forget to leave a rating or a review and subscribe on Apple Podcasts.

Links to things we discuss in the show:

Episode 48: The Gut-Brain Connection and Why Health Starts with Your Microbiome with Dr. Christine Rosche

Episode 49: Intersecting Health, Medicine, Science and Technology with Ex-professional Athlete and the Sportie Doc, Dr Tamsin Lewis

More from Dr. Kathrin Huzelmann:

Kathrin’s Website: www.holisticdentistlondon.co.uk

Kathrin’s Practise: Carnaby Street Dental

Kathrin’s Email: dr.huzelmann@gmail.com

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