Webinar | Wednesday 12th March 2025, 12:30 pm

Cadence: how to increase the stress resilience of your teams (in a high-performance culture)

Wellbeing is a competitive advantage: Increase your teams stress resilience

Join us for our latest webinar ‘Cadence: how to increase the stress resilience of your teams (in a high-performance culture)’

Business is an endurance sport with occasional sprints (or frequent sprints in some cases). We believe in training your leaders and their teams to be fit for the rigours of business life, by introducing cadence.

Cadence is about managing energy and it’s a simple idea that works. First, identify the big events coming up in your professional and personal life; then prepare by making small improvements in sleep, mental health and energy; complete the task or event, and then allow your nervous system to recover by prioritising slivers of recovery into the day.

Equally important is the ability to lead well by passing on the principles of Cadence and implementing it into your leaders’ teams.

The webinar will give you a sneak peek into how we’ve helped multiple companies improve the stress resilience of their teams using our innovative Cadence Approach.

Expected outcomes:

  • Reduce incidences of burnout in your teams
  • Improve team performance via the principles of Cadence
  • Empower your teams to improve stress resilience via Cadence

We’ll be running with our new 30-minute format webinar including Q&A, and a professionally sketched infographic of the key points as a takeaway for all those who attend live. Grab a coffee and join us for some great content, new ideas in a brand-new format!

Places are limited so sign up now.

Who is it for

HR Directors, HR Managers, Heads of People, Wellbeing Managers, Event Managers, Event Directors


Wednesday 12th March 2025, 12:30 pm