
How to make your new year’s resolutions last

January is that time of year where many of us intend to emerge from the Christmas and New Year holidays full of good intentions and fresh ideas for how to improve ourselves in the next twelve months. Unfortunately, New Year’s resolutions are valiantly made, but seldom kept. Such is our fondness […]

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Five things I do every night to help me sleep well

Sleep can be very elusive for some, and getting a consistently good night’s sleep is often challenging. A lack of quality sleep can create real problems for us though, leading to issues with mental health, energy, body composition, digestion and fitness. Sleep is the force multiplier, as without sleep it’s

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Disconnect and reconnect to make the most of your Christmas break

Christmas means different things for all of us, but for most people it does offer a few days off work and away from the demands of our busy careers. I love Christmas but not for the religious associations or the food or drink, but because it’s a chance to rest,

Disconnect and reconnect to make the most of your Christmas break Read More »

Seven habits of consistently fit people

I’ve spent a lot of time with people of different fitness levels, with their own set of challenges and preoccupations. Some people identify the connection between exercise and the feeling of being fit, and form lasting habits that mean they can sustain their fitness; they naturally associate physical fitness with overall wellbeing.

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Why I started drinking goat’s milk kefir to improve my digestion

Last month I drove a 400-mile round trip to visit Shann Nix Jones on her farm in West Wales. Why? Well, mainly out of curiosity. I suffer from poor digestion after eating certain foods, which manifests itself in belching and acid reflux. This is uncomfortable and unsocial, but bothers me

Why I started drinking goat’s milk kefir to improve my digestion Read More »


How to get more energy by focusing on your purpose

We all need energy, whether it’s to motivate us to get out of bed, to go about our daily tasks, play with our kids or pursue our careers. Energy is “the force that through the green fuse drives the flower”, as Dylan Thomas wrote. I get my energy from many

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Why we are mentally malnourished and what to do about it

The subject of this blog is mental health, and specifically mental nourishment. To nourish: “to provide with food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition”, and our minds and brains need nourishment as much as the vital organs, cells, tissues and muscles do. Despite this, I think

Why we are mentally malnourished and what to do about it Read More »


What to do when you can’t get to sleep, and how to beat sleep disorders

Sleep problems are pervasive in today’s society and can cause a lot of problems with other areas of health such as mental health, energy, body composition, digestion and fitness (what we call the Six Signals®). Sleep disorders come in many forms, although we tend to think of insomnia when we

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Why high intensity exercise is important for health

We’ve often told that high intensity exercise is an important part of our weekly training regime, but have you ever wondered why? In this blog post I’ll break down the benefits of high intensity training, give you some ideas on how to incorporate it into your workout and issue a

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What is gut health and the microbiome and how can I look after it?

There is much talk of the gut and the microbiome, with many claiming it’s the next frontier in health and wellbeing. In my recent podcast episode with Dr Becca Moore, it was even suggested that some scientists and doctors refer to the gut as the first brain (formerly known as

What is gut health and the microbiome and how can I look after it? Read More »