
Can digestion cause anxiety?

Anxiety can be caused by any number of things, but one area I’m really interested in currently is mental health, and specifically anxiety. Many people suffer from anxiety in one form or another, but increasingly we’re realising the link between anxiety and digestion. We’ve known for a while that there

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Why maintaining weight loss is so hard

We’ve all heard about people who manage to lose weight, but how often do they maintain the new weight? Dieting is easy initially because you’re full of enthusiasm and can draw on will power for the energy required in the first few weeks. Will power is a finite commodity though

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Why energy balance is important

One of the biggest challenges people face with energy is finding a balance between energy in and energy out, or what is called the energy balance. The amount of energy being expended on a daily basis must be matched by the amount of energy being put into the body. So

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How sleep affects weight loss

This is one of the most popular questions about sleep that is asked on Google, which is interesting as I think it’s an under-appreciated aspect of weight loss. The fact is, sleep plays a major role in fat loss (and in muscle gain as well). Sleep is a critical factor

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How I monitor my health using one simple number

In the last of my series of blogs on goal setting for lasting and sustainable change, I’d like to share with you how I track and monitor my health using just one simple number. Maintaining this number is one of my goals for 2018, and in keeping it simple, it

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The importance of going big with your goals

I talk a lot about the value of small steps and how incremental changes can add up to a big impact, but I also think it’s important to have a big goal – something massive, something that initially scares you. Jim Collins, business author, calls these goals Big Hairy Audacious

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7 ways to thrive not just survive in January

Here we are in mid January, a time where most people are still feeling pumped and enthused about the new year’s resolutions they’ve set. Usually those goals are related to some aspect of health, fitness or nutrition, and usually they last a few weeks before fizzling out. So, how do

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The 7 secrets of a successful health transformation

Why is it that some people manage to transform their health and others don’t? Bodyshot have worked with hundreds of clients over the last few years, and we’ve observed the differences between those who succeed and those who don’t. Here’s what you need to consider if you want to reach

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