Lifehacks & Lifestyle


Thriving not surviving: how to stay rested and relaxed after the Christmas break

Here we are in early January, a time where most people are still feeling pumped and enthused about the new year’s resolutions they’ve set. Usually those goals are related to some aspect of health, fitness or nutrition, and usually they last a few weeks before fizzling out. Last January I […]

Thriving not surviving: how to stay rested and relaxed after the Christmas break Read More »


Personalisation is not a fad: why the one-size-fits-all approach is outdated

When it comes to health, fitness and diet, there is so much conflicting information out there that it can sometimes feel overwhelming. One day a glass of red wine is good for you, the following day it isn’t. Or have you ever ask yourself the question whether you should be doing

Personalisation is not a fad: why the one-size-fits-all approach is outdated Read More »


How to get through December and the Christmas season without gaining weight

December is the month where temptation lies everywhere. You can’t move in the office for mince pies and chocolate, and everyone wants to go out for a Christmas drink. A bite to eat becomes a 3-course meal, and you’ll probably end up having that extra drink. So, what can you do to curb the

How to get through December and the Christmas season without gaining weight Read More »


In case of emergency: 5 important things to focus on during times of stress

    We all have moments where it feels as though the plates we’ve kept spinning are starting to wobble or fall to the floor. It might be a work event, something in your personal life or an accumulation of poor sleep and bad choices, but most of us are

In case of emergency: 5 important things to focus on during times of stress Read More »

Why we need to focus on the importance of fitness not weight

  On Saturday I’ll be making my TED debut on stage at TEDx Wandsworth. I am very excited and ready to deliver what I hope will be an engaging and powerful talk on why we need to focus on fitness and not weight if we are to become happier and

Why we need to focus on the importance of fitness not weight Read More »


Health Worrier to Health Warrior: ten great tips for a happier and healthier lifestyle (part 2)

Are you a health worrier or a health warrior? Bodyshot have worked with hundreds of clients, helping them make the transition from someone who worries about their health, to someone who is in charge of their health, proactively doing things to stay fit, and has all the energy they needs

Health Worrier to Health Warrior: ten great tips for a happier and healthier lifestyle (part 2) Read More »


How to maintain your fitness and stay healthy even when you’re travelling

It’s the lament of many; how do I maintain my fitness and stick to my routine when I’m travelling? There are lots of things that can scupper our good intentions and break our routine. Airport lounges, the endless waiting around, delays, airplane food, unhealthy snacks at conferences, the plentiful pastries

How to maintain your fitness and stay healthy even when you’re travelling Read More »


Environment drives performance: how to create an environment where success can thrive

What drives a winning mindset, and how can you create an environment where you can reduce the risks or relapsing into old behaviours, break away from limiting beliefs and allow success to thrive? A winning mindset There are other factors that we can consider that create a winning mindset. The first

Environment drives performance: how to create an environment where success can thrive Read More »


My top five biohacks to improve your sleep and feel more energised

If you haven’t heard about biohacking, this is essentially a term that describes the use of science, biology and technology to improve one’s health. There are some fairly large communities now, particularly in the US, that focus on biohacking and self-quantification, led by individuals such as Ben Greenfield, Quantified Bob,

My top five biohacks to improve your sleep and feel more energised Read More »


The deeper impact of exercise and how sport can change your life

In a few days time, I’ll be taking part in Rat Race’s Coast to Coast event in Scotland. I’ll run, cycle and kayak 105 miles through the Scottish Highlands. It’s a fairly challenging endurance event in stunning scenery. Why do I do it, you may ask? Why put myself through this?

The deeper impact of exercise and how sport can change your life Read More »