Lifehacks & Lifestyle


What are the effects of alcohol on weight management and fitness?

Most of us know that excessive consumption of alcohol can be harmful for the brain and body, so I won’t spend much time discussing that in this week’s blog post. What is less well-documented are the impact alcohol has on weight management and our physical fitness. It’s not uncommon for […]

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What is the effect of sugar on the brain and body?

Last week, I blogged about the effect that stress can have on the body. Stress can manifest itself in different ways – physical, emotional, mental – but there are many things that can cause a stress response, and one of those is sugar. What is sugar? Sugar is essentially a

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How to use the principles of personalisation to minimise injury

Injuries are inevitable unless you’re very fortunate, and when they occur they can really sabotage your fitness efforts. I’ve had three injuries that have affected my training, and each time I’ve learned something new about how to cope with them. In fact, my whole ethos about intelligent training stems from

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Why regular blood testing can help you maintain good health

Carrying on the theme of using self-monitoring and testing to maintain good health, this week I’d like to talk about blood testing. Taking blood has become much simpler with the development of finger-prick testing devices that can be done by the client from their home, and the cost of doing

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Why personalisation is key to lasting health, fitness and nutrition

In last week’s blog, I wrote about how working with your DNA can lead to long-term weight loss. Whilst highly effective, DNA testing is just one component of what I call personalisation. Personalisation is the use of science, technology and self-monitoring to understand how you can improve your health, fitness

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How working with your DNA can lead to long-term weight loss

  The calories in versus calories out approach to dieting is outdated, ineffective and any potential short-term gains are soon overshadowed by frustration as the weight piles back on. What we know about weight gain and weight loss is far more scientific, and there’s an appreciation that what works for

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How to get consistency with your health, fitness and nutrition

So far this month I’ve focused on helping you with your resolutions and good intentions. The first blog post was about Thriving not surviving, and how to stay rested after the Christmas break. The second was about intelligent training, and last week I wrote about how to form lasting habits

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Control | Alter | Delete: how to form lasting habits and create sustainable changes

We’re in mid-January, and for many people, the good intentions are starting to waver. A few pernicious old habits might be creeping back in, and the steely resolve that gripped us two weeks ago starts to dissipate as life takes over. Abstaining or giving something up doesn’t have to be

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Intelligent training; seven tips to help you train more efficiently and effectively

I’ve recently returned from a long weekend at La Manga Club in Spain where I was playing in a tennis academy for three days. The temperature was a warm 15 degrees, the sun was out, the sky was a deep blue and it felt good to have some sun on

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