Lifehacks & Lifestyle


How to get a good night’s sleep by having an evening routine

Do you have a regular evening routine that you follow before you go to bed? If so, what does that look like? When does it start – as soon as you get in or 30 minutes before bed? The quality of your sleep will be dictated by what you do […]

How to get a good night’s sleep by having an evening routine Read More »


What does holistic health mean and what do I need to think about?

Holistic health is a term that’s becoming used more popular, but what exactly does it mean? According to the Mirriam-Webster Medical Dictionary, the definition of holistic health is: “relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete systems rather than with the analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts holistic medicine attempts to

What does holistic health mean and what do I need to think about? Read More »


Less is more: five ways to exercise effectively in just 30 minutes or less

One of the most common mistakes we see people making with fitness is thinking they need an hour or more to exercise effectively. In this week’s blog, I want to introduce you to five ways you can exercise effectively without spending more than 30 minutes on a session – sometimes

Less is more: five ways to exercise effectively in just 30 minutes or less Read More »


Five signs you might be burning out and how to put the brakes on

If you’re reading this, you’re probably a busy professional who has a senior position or are running your own company. You’ve always been interested in health and fitness but the convergent pressures of work and home life have squeezed out the bandwidth you have for exercising and a healthy lifestyle.

Five signs you might be burning out and how to put the brakes on Read More »


Five simple ways for busy professionals to get more energy

The two most valuable commodities for most people are time and energy. No-one seems to have enough and in the case of time, we can’t produce more. We can influence the amount of energy we have though, and there are several ways you can get more energy for the things

Five simple ways for busy professionals to get more energy Read More »


How do I get my mojo back? Top tips for busy professionals

I’ve lost my mojo. I can’t get motivated. I used to enjoy what I’m doing, now it just seems like a chore. As a health and performance coach, these types of laments are familiar. Often, they are why clients come to us, and inevitably we witness these slumps whilst people

How do I get my mojo back? Top tips for busy professionals Read More »


5 reasons why exercise isn’t an effective way to lose weight

A big part of the Bodyshot philosophy is that no one thing is truly effective; a successful health and wellbeing program requires a holistic view. We believe there are six areas of health, fitness and nutrition that need to be addressed – we call these the Six Signals™: Sleep Mental

5 reasons why exercise isn’t an effective way to lose weight Read More »


5 reasons why cold showers are good for your health (and keep you cool during a heatwave)

  I’m loving my daily cold showers. That’s a statement I didn’t think I’d ever type. I was persuaded to try them having listened to a podcast where the guest, (the renowned Dr Joseph Mercola) was discussing the benefits of cold showers, or specifically, cold thermogenesis. It seemed to me

5 reasons why cold showers are good for your health (and keep you cool during a heatwave) Read More »


Why health and wellbeing is even more important for the over 40’s – part 3

Welcome back to this three-part blog series on the importance of health and wellbeing for the over 40’s. What did you think of last week’s article? I hope you found it inspiring to read Tori’s powerful story of determination, desire and a laser-focus on her ‘why’. What do I mean

Why health and wellbeing is even more important for the over 40’s – part 3 Read More »


Why health and wellbeing is even more important for the over 40’s – part 2

Welcome back to this three-part blog series on why fitness is so important for the over 40’s. Let’s start with a case study from one of our clients. Tori Edwards. Tori runs of the most successful model agencies in London, but when we met her less than 2 years ago, she

Why health and wellbeing is even more important for the over 40’s – part 2 Read More »