Holistic Health

fasting time restricted eating watermelon clock

Thrive In Five: Fasting

This week’s thrive in five is about fasting and time restricted eating So this week I want to talk a bit about fasting, we’re on the theme of preventative health and this month we’re looking at healthspan. So it’s the idea is to live a healthy life for as long […]

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energiser movement snack woman jumping in the air

Thrive In Five: Energiser Movement Snack

This Week’s Thrive In Five is our final energiser for the Movement Snack Month Challenge. This week our health coach Liz shares a tip in under five minutes for something that you can adopt in under five minutes, quick and easy. This month we’ve been sharing energisers or movement snacks

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four move combo man doing press up

Thrive In Five: 4 Move Combo Movement Snack

This Week’s Thrive In Five Is Part Of Our Movement Snaking Month Today We’re Showing You a Four Move Combo This month we’re challenging you to a month of movement snacking and we’re sharing different movement snacking ideas over month. Welcome to this week’s movement snack. So this week is a little

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qigong twist movement snack woman spinning and twisting outside in nature

Thrive In Five: Qigong Twist Movement Snack

This week’s Thrive in Five is part of our movement snaking month today we’re showing you A Qigong Twist. As Leanne mentioned in our last post we’re challenging you to a month of movement snacking we’ll be sharing ideas over the next month on different movement snacks you can try.

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Movement snacking month person air punching

Thrive In Five: Movement Snacking Month

This Week’s Thrive In Five Launches our Movement Snacking Month One of the big questions that people have is how can I get my energy? How can I be more mobile and get more movement into a working day? That for many of you, will be relatively sedentary. Movement snacking

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Gratitude as part of a preventative health strategy - woman smiling and flicking hair around happily listening to music on headphones

Thrive In Five: Gratitude as part of a preventative health strategy

This week’s Thrive in Five is all about gratitude. We’ve talked about gratitude a lot but you may be surprised to hear it can be used as part of a preventative health strategy. Over the last few weeks, we’ve been running our preventative health series. We’ve chosen, what we think,

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human connection man looking pig in the eye

Podcast: Human Connection

This week we’re talking about human connection. Topics Discussed in this Episode: Leanne talks about the importance of human connection and the impact the pandemic and social distancing will have had. She shares why as human beings we’re hard wired to connect and the importance of human connection. The energy

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black and white photo of woman in downward dog yoga pose Yoga and mobility preventative health strategy

Thrive In Five: Preventative Health Yoga And Mobility

This week’s Thrive in Five is about yoga and mobility as a preventative health strategy. We’re talking about preventative health strategies this month, our health coach Liz is sharing information about yoga and mobility. There are many health benefits to stretching and particularly yoga, which includes the asanas, so the

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person swimming in the sea Cold water immersion preventative health strategies

Thrive In Five: Preventative Health Strategies Cold Water Immersion

This week’s Thrive In Five is All About Cold Water Immersion part of our preventative health series Thrive in Five is a tip we can share with you in under five minutes, that you can adopt in under five minutes. This week our health coach Liz is talking about preventative

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overscheduling blank diary with nothing scheduled

Thrive In Five: Beware of Overscheduling

This week’s thrive in five is about overscheduling and the impact that has on our recovery This week I’m sharing my thoughts on overscheduling and the impact it can have on our wellbeing. So certainly for me, one of the things I’ve really enjoyed about the last 12 months (because

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