The Seven Secrets of a Successful Health Transformation



Why is it that some people manage to transform their health and others don’t? I’ve worked with hundreds of clients over the last few years, and I’ve observed the differences between those who success and those who don’t. Here’s what you need to consider if you want to reach a successful outcome.

You are fully invested

Successful people know that in order to succeed, you need to invest, and I don’t just mean in time and money. A client who has what it takes to transform their health will be fully invested emotionally, physically and intellectually and very focused on their desired outcome.

You have patience

Implementing lasting and sustainable changes is a slow game. Think a marathon not a 100m sprint. You need to be patient, and focused. Appreciating that things take time is essential to the outcome, and you won’t be in a rush.

You trust the program

Holding on to preconceived ideas and limiting beliefs damages the chances of success. Trust in the person you’ve hired to help you. Believe in the power of two people focused on a common goal with an unswerving desire to make it happen. Allow yourself to be guided.

You make it personal

Recognising that everyone’s different is essential for success. Focus on your needs, your goals and aspirations. Don’t compare yourself to others. Don’t accept the one-size-fits-all approaches. Make it about you. Do what works for you not everyone else.

You show up

When you show up, you’re fully engaged and present. You are prepared for coaching sessions, have done the homework and remain open-minded and focused. You understand that you still need to do the hard work, but need the expertise of a professional to help you execute.

You take a holistic view

Changing your health requires a holistic view. An issue with sleep for example might be affected by nutrition, hormones, stress, digestion or any number of factors related to sleep hygiene. Being able to look at the bigger picture is essential.

You have trust in your coach

There’s a whole load of conflicting advice our there about health, fitness and nutrition. If you want to stay focused and be successful, find someone you trust and listen to them. It’s okay to stay informed but if you cast the net to widely, you’ll end up conflicted and confused.

The Six Signals™

We’ve identified the main issues that clients typically struggle with: Sleep; Mental Health; Energy; Weight; Digestion and Fitness. At Bodyshot, we call these the Six Signals™. A client will have red flags going up in one or more of these areas – usually two or three. If you are struggling with any of these issues, please email us at or take our Health IQ test to find out how you score.

Leanne Spencer is an entrepreneur, coach, TEDx Speaker, author of Remove the Guesswork, and founder of Bodyshot Performance Limited. Bodyshot is a health and fitness consultancy that helps busy professionals get more energy by removing the guesswork around their health, fitness and nutrition. Visit or email to register your interest in our services and connect with us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter.

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