The Positive Male Mind: Overcoming Mental Health Problems with Dr Shaun Davis and Andrew Kinder


Do you have a male friend or colleague or sibling or spouse who is struggling with mental health issues? Dr Shaun Davis and Andrew Kinder, co-authors of The Positive Male Mind, talk about their insights into men’s mental health and how to overcome mental health problems. It’s specifically for men, but even female listeners are guaranteed to learn a lot from this episode.

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Topics Discussed in this Episode:

  • Why a book was needed specifically for men and mental health

  • How men deal with mental health services differently

  • Some of the cultural expectations that men face much more than women and why this is becoming more of an issue now

  • The common problems that men face

  • How to handle mental health issues that manifest in the workplace

  • The difference between stress and burnout

Key Takeaways:

  • Culturally and societally, there has been pressure on men. Stereotypes are still being played out and there’s still a long way to go before these are gotten rid of. Groups of peoples, societies, cultures, and subcultures have a role in trying to help break down these stereotypes and stigma.

  • More counseling as it relates to mental health has to be provided for male students in schools.

  • Women should be able to understand the role that they play in helping men help themselves.

  • Mental health problems have no respect for age, gender, orientation, or social background. It can affect anybody. So having people come out and talk about their own experiences and share their own stories is really empowering and helpful.

Action Steps:

  • If you’re an employer of large groups of men, it’s important to look at how you can engage with men and how you can help women encourage their male colleague or partner to actually get some help.

  • Prioritize getting better sleep. Look at your sleep hygiene and address those factors that affect the amount and quality of your sleep.

  • Have some clear boundaries between work and home.

  • Overcome burnout by developing positive relationships in your life, managing your expectations and focusing on the things that you can control.

Shaun said:

“We need to help people, men particularly, appreciate that it’s about making them fitter, stronger, healthier, rather than weaker, by addressing mental health or physical health conditions. It’s nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed by.”

Andrew said:

“The key issues are, for men, they’re what I would call a hard-to-help group in the sense that things have to be pretty chronic and pretty severe to actually put your hand up and say, ‘Actually, I need some help.’”

Thanks for listening!

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Links to things we discuss in the show:

More from Shaun Davis:

Shaun’s Twitter (@DrShaunDavis)

Shaun’s Email

More from Andrew Kinder:

Andrew’s Website

Andrew’s Email

More from Leanne Spencer:

Bodyshot Performance

Bodyshot Performance Limited Facebook page

Remove the Guesswork BOOK by Leanne Spencer
Rise and Shine BOOK by Leanne Spencer

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