
Autonomy & Health Ownership: person speaking to a doctor - blog by Bosyshot Performance

Autonomy & Health Ownership

Following on from our previous blog post, I want to discuss autonomy. Autonomy is a crucial part of health ownership, which is what this month is all about. It simply means being in a state of self-governing; being able to act upon your own values and interests. And having this […]

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Disconnect and reconnect: the impact of gratitude journaling and breathing for good physical and mental health

When did you last disconnect from tech and your everyday life, with its associated pressures and demands? When did you last reconnect with nature and yourself? This might be a walk in nature; breathing; meditation. Or just spending some time alone or in companionable silence with a friend or partner.

Disconnect and reconnect: the impact of gratitude journaling and breathing for good physical and mental health Read More »