Seven reasons why coaching will transform your life



“I believe that when an exceptional coach works with a client who has a strong desire to change, incredible things can happen.” Leanne Spencer Fitness Entrepreneur & Bestselling Author

Whatever your goals are in life, if you’re serious about success, you need to be working with the right coach. A coach will help you identify the obstacles that get in the way, and assist you in developing strategies to overcome them. A coach will give you real-time feedback, encourage you to dig deep, and challenge you. They will give you tools to help you find success in all areas of your life, not just health, fitness and nutrition.

At Bodyshot, we’ve coached our clients to some remarkable outcomes:

  • Full body transformation: 30kg weight loss
  • Reversal of type II diabetes and no further need for medication
  • Cancelled knee surgery due to improved strength and fitness
  • Career change and vastly increased happiness scores
  • From couch potato to completing the London Marathon in under five months

Coaching is an integral part of what we do, and the Bodyshot coaches all receive coaching as well, so we know exactly how vital it is to success. Here’s why we believe coaching will transform your life and help you to realise your full potential.

Coaching means full accountability and a fast-track to success

Working with a coach means you’ll be held fully accountable for your actions. Accountability means things get done, and you will accelerate towards your goals. We explore with you what your barriers are, and help you to develop strategies to overcome them so that you can fulfill your potential. It’s hard to underestimate the power of accountability, and having someone to turn to when things get tough.

No more falling prey to cognitive dissonance and tired old excuses

Cognitive dissonance is a major reason why so many people fail to change. They know they should exercise more, but they’re too busy. They know they eat too much sugar, but they don’t know how to stop. We know there are lots of harmful behaviours that many of us do every day, yet we still let them happen. There’s always an excuse, and it’s all too easy to say you’ll start next week, month or after your holiday. Coaching helps you understand what drives those behaviours, and how to control them.

Coaching helps you recognise the mountain of value you’re standing on

When you look around, it’s easy to see how well other people are doing and often, you wish you were there. It’s easy to ignore the mountain of value that you already stand on, or put another way, to forget what you have to offer and how you can put that to work for you with your goals and aspirations. Working with a coach will help you unlock and realise that value, and when you do, that’s when you’ll sky-rocket.

You might be looking through the wrong end of the lens

Sometimes it seems as though the harder you work towards something, the further away it gets. Coaching offers you a new perspective and encourages you to look at a problem from a different angle. By turning the telescope around, everything suddenly seems bigger and in focus. Changing your perspective and seeing things differently opens up a world of possibilities.

You don’t know what you don’t know

At Bodyshot, we’ve worked with hundreds of clients looking for help with their health, fitness and nutrition. We’ve seen all the common problems and challenges, and some of the less common ones too. Sometimes, you just don’t know what you don’t know. We can help you realise what’s holding you back or how to solve a problem by asking the right questions, listening closely to the answers and providing real-time feedback.

The people around you have a vested interest in making you feel good

A coach will be unbiased and have no vested interest other than to serve you. Good coaching isn’t about being nice, it’s about holding up a mirror to reflect what’s going on and then helping you find the answers, and that sometimes means telling the truth in plain English. The people you have around you may be loving and supportive, but that also means they will struggle to tell you the truth. That’s not their failing, that’s why you need a coach.

Coaching helps you find a way to be unafraid

Fear drives most – if not all – of our negative behaviours. Coaching helps to you to explore your needs, aspirations, intentions, motivations and experiences so that you can break away from fear and limiting beliefs. Working with a coach will bring self-understanding, and with that comes confidence, increased self-esteem, courage and a renewed enthusiasm for life. And who knows where that could lead.

Leanne Spencer is a fitness entrepreneur, bestselling author of Rise and Shine: Recover from burnout and get back to your best, and founder of Bodyshot Performance Limited. Bodyshot is a health and fitness consultancy that uses innovative techniques such as DNA testing, wearable tech and bespoke coaching to transform the lives of our clients. Visit or send an email to if you’d like more information. 

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