Lead with Wellbeing

Cover image of the Lead With Wellbing report

About the report

Lead with wellbeing

Research shows that the general wellbeing of the UK workforce has been negatively affected by the global pandemic, and this will have a knock-on effect on productivity and performance. 

89% saw cases of presenteeism at work (when someone is working whilst unwell)

73% saw cases of leaveism (working whilst on holiday)

Of even greater concern, only 32% of companies are actively taking steps to discourage these unhealthy practices.

We are perhaps only just seeing the fallout from the lockdown and social distancing measures. It is my belief that companies with a robust wellbeing strategy in place will be well positioned to reset and recover in time. Prioritising the wellbeing of your teams is paramount for a successful business recovery, so what are the key considerations? 

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Bodyshot have been instrumental in demonstrating to our employees the importance of wellbeing. Bodyshot have shown our employees, many of whom travel and work away from home, that good wellbeing can be achieved even when you’re out of your regular routine.

People Lead at ThoughtWorks