Podcast: Introducing the Cadence Approach™

the agile business athlete man in a city jumping

This week we’re talking about the Cadence Approach™

Topics Discussed In This Episode:

Key takeaways from the last episode about burnout.

How athletes manage to work hard year-round and not burn out.

The key thing athletes do that enables them to recover.

What it means to be think like an athlete.

How anticipating the events in your life can support your health longevity.

What activities you should double down on in preparation for upcoming events.

Why Leanne says she prefers to stay ready than get ready.

Leanne’s three non-negotiables.

How to support the degree of focus required in your performance phase.

The most under-appreciated aspect of many peoples’ life and career.

What practicing recovery can look like.

The different ways you can manage recovery.

What the next step is after you recover.

What Leanne will be talking about more moving forward.

Key Takeaways:

A lot of people aren’t giving themselves the opportunity to take their foot off the gas, never giving themselves a chance to hit the brakes and recover.

Athletes manage to work hard year-round without burning out because they prioritise recovery, nutrition, hydration, and rest.

It’s important to note and predict upcoming events so you can gear up for them as they come.

Leanne supports preparing by getting ready, but in her own life she prefers to stay ready all year because it’s easier for her than starting from zero when needed.

Leanne’s performance day to day includes three non-negotiables: daily meditation, at least 7 hours of sleep, and a minimum number of steps per day.

Many of us are good at charging full-steam ahead and measuring our worth in productivity, and not so good at taking a step back and recovering.

Every now and again, Leanne daydreams out her office window, which is a small example of slivered recovery.

Don’t learn this lesson the hard way: appreciate that backing off beats burnout.

There are helpful tools on the website including the Health IQ Test, the Wellbeing at Work Scorecard, and the 12 Stages of Burnout resource.

It’s all about healthspan, not just lifespan.

Action Steps:

These are the methodologies of the Cadence Approach™:

  1. Predict. Take note of the big events you have coming up.
  2. Prepare. Double down on the things that are good for you.
  3. Perform. Know your non-negotiables and maintain them.
  4. Recover. Backing off beats burnout, so prioritize your recovery in a way that suits you best.

Leanne said:

“It’s that methodology, if you like, it’s that approach of working ahead and gearing up for those events, performing at those events and then recovering, that keeps an athlete in their careers. It gives them longevity in their careers.”

“You’ll have your own personal definition of recovery, but it’s absolutely the most important step, and it comes at the end.”

Links To Things Mentioned In The Podcast:

The 12 Stages of Burnout resource: https://www.bodyshotperformance.com/resource/the-12-stages-of-burnout/

Leanne’s TEDx talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SLP1BF7KBQ

Take our Wellbeing at Work Scorecard and see how your organisations wellbeing strategy scores against 4 key areas of wellbeing. You’ll receive a free highly personalised report with actionable insights.

If you’re interested in finding out what your health IQ is, take the Health IQ test, and get a free 39-page report built around our six signals, which are sleep, mental health, energy, body composition, digestion, and fitness.

If you enjoy what you hear, don’t forget to leave a rating or a review and subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts.

As always, if you would like to register your interest in some of the ideas that I’m putting together with Bodyshot Performance, send an email to anne@bodyshotperformance.com.

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