International Women’s Day Special with Author and Entrepreneur Christine Gouchault

Christine Gouchault

Would you agree that there’s no better time to be an entrepreneur? How do you start building your own company? Christine Gouchault shares her insights on being a business mum as we celebrate International Women’s Day.

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Topics Discussed in this Episode:

  • How to be an entrepreneur
  • How to build a company
  • How to get marketing help
  • How to outsource versus delegating
  • Why your quirks could be your strengths
  • Getting into your discomfort zone and why resilience is needed to run a business

Key Takeaways:

  • Having a role model is very impactful. If you as a mum have your own business, then it’s 60% more likely that your daughter will do the same. In the same way, if a company has a female leader, there’s 60% more likelihood of women wanting to go in that direction and become leaders.
  • If you’re starting a business, the smart thing to do is to think about what you can delegate so can focus on your strengths.
  • If you do what you’re good at, you will move faster and you will quickly reach the goals that you set for yourself.
  • There are many ways you can build your own business and create that flexibility for yourself.
  • Businessmen are still people, and people do business with people, and we connect to each other.  So actually, if you’re okay about being yourself and being vulnerable, then people will like you so much more for being open and honest, and you will attract people that like that about you.

Action Steps:

  • Get yourself familiar with the different technologies and online platforms that can help you grow your business.
  • Delegate tasks wherever possible and spend your time on what you’re good at.
  • Do networking and talk to other entrepreneurs who have the skills that you lack and be happy to trade or to help.
  • Build genuine relationships.
  • Find a role model, no matter what your dream is and what resources you have.
  • Find your niche and be resourceful.
  • When building a business, start with learning who’s your audience or your customers or who you want to help. Figure out what their needs are, what they want, and how you can create value from them.
  • Figure out how to make money and do the math.
  • Talk to your partner and set expectations. Otherwise, it can be tough to justify not earning money or spending money on your business.
  • Find people to follow that give you a really true but positive depiction of the challenges of entrepreneurship.

Christine said:

“Sometimes in our everyday life, we just get caught up in our routines, and so [International Women’s Day] is a good day to start to pause and reflect and see – are we actually making any progress? And if not, then what can we do about it?”

“You can’t be good at everything, so you might as well do what you’re good at and what you think is fun because you get this whole energy and it’s just nice working, you can do more, you’re more efficient. And then figure out then who can help you.”

Thanks for listening!

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Links to things mentioned in the show:

More from Christine Gouchault:

Christine’s Website

Christine’s LinkedIn

More from Leanne Spencer:

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Remove the Guesswork BOOK by Leanne Spencer

Rise and Shine BOOK by Leanne Spencer

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