National Heart Month Week 3: Human Contact

Human contact & the impact that social isolation has on your heart health by BodyShot Performance.

Four Top Tips For A Healthy Heart Part 3: Human Contact

Week three of National Heart Month is about human contact and the impact that social isolation can have on our heart health. Loneliness is a huge problem, and the numbers are rising. The University of York has linked social isolation and loneliness to an increased risk of heart attack (29%), and stroke (32%).

Human Contact & Making Connections

It’s an essential part of being human: having the ability to connect with each other. We are tribal creatures. During the pandemic, many of us got used to spending long periods of time alone and going without seeing the familiar faces of our loved ones. According to a survey taken in November 2020 (nine months into COVID-19 restrictions), 24% of people reported feeling lonely during the two weeks prior. Long-term loneliness can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and depression, which causes people to feel even more isolated.

Reaching Out & Spending time

Our mental wellbeing can have a huge effect on our heart health. So, what can we do to combat loneliness?

This week, I want to encourage you to reach out to another human being. It could be a friend, a colleague, a family member, or someone you haven’t seen for a long time. You can even start with spending some time interacting with a pet if you’d prefer. Reach out to someone and make contact. Attend a book club, pencil in a virtual coffee, or maybe invite someone to go for a walk. You could even go for a walk in nature and practice some breathwork, to adopt two of the previous tips we’ve had as part of heart health month.

Quality Over Quantity

Studies show that people who socialise more are happier, healthier, and live longer compared to those who are less connected. It’s not about having a partner or lots of friends; it’s the quality of your relationships that matters. So, get in touch with someone – anyone – that has had a positive impact on your life. You never know, the person that you reach out to may need it even more than you.

Wellbeing Resources

If you want to find out more about boosting mental and physical health, check out our blogs, podcasts and vlog. Use the search bar to find content on these topics and more.

Find out your health IQ score, take the Health IQ test to find out, and get a free 39-page report built around our six signals, which are sleep, mental health, energy, body composition, digestion, and fitness.

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