How to Make Positive Change in Your Work and Life with Author, Coach and Speaker Simon Tyler


Do we have a choice when it comes to attitude? Absolutely! Author and motivational speaker Simon Tyler discusses his insights in The Attitude Book and talks about how we can deliberately shift our attitudes to create positive change and outcomes.

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Topics Discussed in this Episode:

  • What it means for Simon to be ‘a pioneer in Simplicity, Impact and Attitude’

  • How increasing his awareness of attitude and writing The Attitude Book have changed the way Simon approaches his own life and his coaching practice

  • Changing your emotional soundtrack and ways to shift your attitude

  • Some of the chapters contained in The Attitude Book: 50 Ways to Make Positive Change in Your Work and Life

  • ‘Roomitude’ and how it affects culture change in companies

  • Saying ‘no’ nicely

  • The concept of the ‘thousand thank yous’

  • What it means to ‘sharpen your axe’

Key Takeaways:

  • We can be really deliberate about our attitude.

  • Music can help us get in a more positive frame of mind and become more resilient.

  • What we read can profoundly shape our attitudes, mindsets, moods, and emotions.

  • The ability to say no nicely can be an immense learning for some people.

  • Asking review questions when you do work for others increases your strength and fortitude to begin to be able to say no, or notice when a ‘no’ is better than a ‘yes’.

  • Gratitude is a very positive way to be engaged with what’s going on in your life.

Action Steps:

  • Spend a bit of time noticing what music you feel better in or more focused on and build your playlist.

  • Consider doing a news ban.

  • Explore how to say no nicely. Tip: Respond to a request with “Tell me more about what you’re asking me to do.”

  • For people who have difficulty saying no, take the time to do a review: What work have I taken on for others this week? What have I enjoyed doing? What could somebody else have done of those things? Have my efforts been noticed? (Doing this kind of review heightens your awareness of what is going on.)

  • Challenge yourself to deliver 1,000 thank yous in a calendar month.

  • Take micro-breaks and find ways to rejuvenate yourself to keep yourself sharp, engaged and motivated.

Simon said:

“We are now in a world of choice… We can take all of this information whenever we want in the volume that we want, so we’ve got a choice. If you’re not deliberate about it, you are caught in a flotsam and jetsam… Your attitude is vulnerable.”

“If everybody is consuming and allowing their attitudes to be just blended to what’s going on, all of a sudden, we’ve all got a cumulative group of bad attitudes. It’s no surprise.”

Thanks for listening!

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Links to things we discuss in the show:

  • Books by Simon Tyler:

More from Simon Tyler:

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