Thrive In Five: What Are Your Health & Wellbeing Non-Negotiables?

happy person sat cross legged with eyes closed and hands together non-negotiables for health and wellbeing

This Week’s Thrive In Five is all about setting a few non-negotiables rules when it comes to your health and wellbeing

So to begin a Thrive in Five, is a tip we impart to you in five minutes or less, that you can think about or enact in five minutes or less. And this week is about what are your non-negotiables.

I think with health it’s really important to be clear about what must happen in order for you to remain fit, healthy and have a good sense of wellbeing. So I’ve got four non-negotiables that I have set that must happen each day.

The non-negotiable challenge

My challenge to you is to think about what yours might be. The key takeaway from today’s tip is for you to take some time today, just five minutes, to think about what they are. It might be that you just have one – that is absolutely fine. One rock solid non-negotiable that keeps you on a relatively even keel. I recommend having not more than three or four. I have four, but then I’ve been nearly a decade in this industry and it’s kind of what I’m about. Start small and build up, as with all of wellbeing consistency is key. You can read more about that here.

My non-negotiables

So my health and wellbeing non-negotiables that must happen every day are:

  1. Daily meditation, five or ten minutes, but must happen daily
  2. Vegetables on at least two of the three meals that I have a day
  3. My sleep must start with a seven, so seven hours and a minute, great, seven hours and 59 minutes, amazing. For those of you thinking “Yeah, right!”, we’ve made a ton of content on sleep that may help you improve yours – which you can find here.
  4. And then the last one is a minimum step count of 10,000 steps. Now that’s a relatively arbitrary number; we all tend to think about 10,000 steps being the goal, but it is a decent amount of movement, too. It’s approximately five miles of walking or traversing.

Why have them?

So, I’ve shared my four non-negotiables for health and wellbeing. There are lots of other things that on good days, I want to try and get done, but they’re what must happen. Because I know that if they do, then the day is going to be easier. I’m going to be more resilient. My immune health has been bolstered; my fitness has been given a boost or at least some maintenance; my wellbeing generally is going to be okay.

Now it’s your turn

So what are your non-negotiables or, start small, what is your non-negotiable? And be very, very clear on that. Build it in so that it happens organically, and then you can add from there. Please get in touch let us know what yours are and how they’ve helped!

So that’s this week’s simple wellbeing tip, all the very best, stay healthy and good luck.

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Leanne Spencer is an award-winning entrepreneur, Six Signals® Coach, double-bestselling author and TEDx Speaker. She is also the co-founder of Bodyshot Performance, and regularly speaks to audiences all over the UK on topics around fitness, health, wellbeing, burnout and corporate resilience.

Connect with Leanne on Facebook or Insta, or visit for more information about her wellbeing keynotes.

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