Thrive In Five: Habit Forming using “Kettle Training”

Habit forming using kettle training

This week’s thrive in fives about habit forming using “kettle training”

Here’s a little tip for any kind of habit you’re trying to form. Particularly around movement or breathwork, for example. And it’s about the kettle. So most of us will get up and boil the kettle several times throughout the day. To make a cup of tea, possibly a coffee or herbal drink. And in that time it takes the kettle to boil, so approximately two minutes, that gives you quite a big opportunity to do something like a little bit of movement snacking. So some squats, some pushups, a little bit of a jog on the spot. Alternatively, you could do some breathwork or something like that.

Taking those two minutes, that’s kind of dead time, you could use to good advantage in habit forming. Doing something like movement or breathwork and sneaking it in throughout the day. Now, the idea came to me a good two years ago when we were doing some one-to-one training for our brand new rescue dog Kami. Barry who was training us said to use opportunities like boiling the kettle. That’s a wonderful couple of minutes just to do a bit of sit training with the dog or a bit of lie down training. And actually, we can apply that to ourselves for the habits that we’re trying to form as well. But particularly forming habits around movement, because you can so easily do a form of movement by the kettle and just get the blood flowing through the body. Make sure you’re feeling a bit more energised, a bit more sharp, a little bit more innovated. So that’s it, kettle training.

See how you can apply that to whatever you’re trying to achieve in your life and good luck with it. Stay healthy. I’ll talk to you next week.

At Bodyshot Performance, we work with businesses to manage all aspects of wellbeing following our Six Signals methodology. Focusing on sleep, mental health, energy, body composition, digestion and fitness. Please get in touch if we can help with any aspects of your wellbeing or your organisation wellbeing.

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