Thrive In Five: Do one thing for yourself every day

doing one thing for yourself every day woman rwading book with cup of tea

This week’s thrive in five is about doing one thing for yourself every day

So our Thrive In Five is the first in a series. Over the next three weeks will sharing wellbeing tips that can help you with your wellbeing to manage the stresses and pressures of another lockdown, working from home, homeschooling, lack of variety and all of the other additional pressure we’re currently facing.

With kids at home, remote working extended, the anxiety of the pandemic worsening, it’s very easy to let these convergent pressures take over every part of your day. So the first wellbeing tip is about you, not your family, but you.

Do One Thing For Yourself Every Day

Do one thing every day that is just for you. It might just be for five minutes. It could even be a minute, but it’s purely about you.

That one thing could be:

  • Breathwork
  • Meditation
  • Reading
  • A walk
  • Getting out into the garden

Whatever you like just take some time to yourself.

The importance of rest and self-care

If you manage to do one thing for yourself every day that is restorative, you’re going to have a little bit more energy and a bit more headspace. Also, you will have more literal space. Taking this time for you will increase your ability to pay attention to the needs of the kids and whatever else might be on your plate.

Eleanor Brownn says it perfectly:

“Rest and self-care are so important. When you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve others from the overflow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.”

Eleanor Brownn

Now, even if you haven’t got kids, this is a great piece of advice anyway. If you can find some time in the day, do something that is just for you.

Self-care is an aspect of heartfulness

Doing one thing every day that is just for you, and self-care is an aspect of heartfulness that you might’ve heard us talk about before. It helps to redress a little bit of balance into the work-life conundrum. Taking time for yourself will make you feel better and it’s so essential to prioritise your wellbeing.

Superwoman syndrome (or man) is all too real. “Superwoman Syndrome” is a term first coined in 1984. It refers to a woman who neglects herself because she is seeking to “do it all” to perfection and stretching herself too thin. 

Making time

It’s really important to feel like we have autonomy and we have a large degree of control over our lives.

Making sure you do something every day, that’s all about you helps you to achieve that.

We’re going to bring you another two weeks of tips that relate to wellbeing at home, working from home, homeschooling so look out for that all the best for now. And of course, stay healthy.

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