Creating a Culture of Energy, Vitality and Performance in Your Business


How important is it to address wellbeing in your business? In a T2 Talk back in November 2018, I spoke about how to create a culture of energy, vitality, and performance in your business and explained how business owners could underpin wellbeing as a serious competitive advantage.

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Topics Discussed in this Episode:

  • My story on how I got interested in wellbeing
  • Creating a business that helps other businesses be healthier
  • Some of the issues that surround wellbeing in the workplace
  • Examples of businesses that are doing very well when it comes to wellbeing
  • The successes some businesses have had in using wellbeing as a competitive advantage

Key Takeaways:

  • Some of the key issues surrounding health and wellbeing in businesses are the following:
  1. Absenteeism – when you’re not at work because of mental or physical health.
  2. Presenteeism – turning up to work but you’re not necessarily working.
  3. Leaveism – when you’re supposed to be resting and away from the business but you’re not.
  • The total cost to the UK economy of presenteeism and absenteeism combined is £77 billion.
  • If you intersect a really powerful purpose in a business with people, you get something that’s very, very energising within a business.
  • A recent study found that prioritising employee engagement and retention got you these benefits:
  • 8% greater productivity
  • 16% greater profit margin
  • 19% increase in operating income
  • 2.6 times earnings per share
  • 12% increased cost per efficacy
  • 50% less sick days
  • 87% of employees are less likely to leave

Action Steps:

  • If you’re a business owner, factor in wellbeing a little bit more into your business. Start recognising the need to change the way you do business, for people to bring their true selves to work so that there isn’t money being left off the table.
  • If meetings are a problem for you or your organisation, cut them short or:
  • Have people send an agenda.
  • Have a standing meeting.
  • Have a walking meeting.
  • Transform the way you do business and the results you get by creating a health charter between you and your employees.
  • Change your attitude toward email. Ban email when people go on vacation.
  • Measure people on their output and productivity, not the number of hours they’re clocking in on.

Leanne said:

“I don’t think that businesses today are going to be competing in the traditional ways that we have been for talent.”

“I’d like there to be a health charter between an employee and an employer. And that health charter states from an employer’s perspective: I’m going to create a culture where it’s okay to talk about how you’re feeling. And from the employee perspective: I commit to bringing my best self to work.”

Thanks for listening!

If you’re interested in finding out what your health IQ is, take the Health IQ test to find out, and get a free 39-page report built around our six signals, which are sleep, mental health, energy, body composition, digestion, and fitness.

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Links to things mentioned in the show:

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