Leanne taking part in rat race carrying log on shoulder. Why build strength by Bodyshot Performance.

The 4S’s: Strength Training & The Importance of Building Muscle

It’s the last in our series on the 4S’s: sweat, steps, shiver, and strength. So, of course, for this final Thrive in Five, we’ll be focussing on strength. Now, there are many different ways to do a strength workout – that’s not what this blog is about. But simply, if […]

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cold water therapy - leanne and antonia wading in a cold lake

The 4S’s: Shiver – The Benefits of Cold Water Therapy

It’s part three in our Thrive in Five series on the 4S’s: sweat, steps, shiver, and strength. Four non-negotiables, at least one of which needs to happen every day, for a healthier, happier, and longer life. Because, as we keep saying, making a series of small, consistent changes can have

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How to be smart with your steps: Leanne on a hike in the countryside.

The 4S’s: Being Smart With Your Steps

It’s part two of our series introducing the 4S’s: sweat, steps, shiver, and strength. A list of four daily non-negotiables, one—or a combination—of which you must do every day. The reason? To live happier, healthier, and longer. So, this week is all about steps. Setting Your Step Goal Even making

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slivers of recovery Kami the Romanian rescue dog by Bodyshot Performance

Slivers of Recovery: Why Build Rest into the Workday?

By now, many of you will know what I mean when I say, ‘slivers of recovery’. If you don’t, it’s fairly simple: small things that you can do throughout the day to rest. Specifically, to take the heat off your sympathetic nervous system, responsible for the body’s fight or flight

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highland cows at Lynbreck Croft - the power of small changes by Bodyshot Performance

The Power of Small Changes

Most of you will already know that I’m currently working on a new keynote. And, as an exercise, I want to share a rather fun little anecdote that perfectly illustrates the power of small changes. A Small Change Recently, my partner Antonia and I spent some time back at Lynbreck

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Connectedness for health - image shows three chickens in a coop at Lynbreck Croft by Bodyshot Perfformance.

The Importance of Connectedness for Health

Today I want to talk about the importance of connectedness for health. Many of you will already know I’m a huge fan of Lynbreck Croft and the two farmers who run it, Lynn and Sandra. Lynbreck Croft is a regenerative farm located in the Cairngorms National Park in the Highlands

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deliberate rest - leanne and adam posing in shelter during survival experience by bodyshot performance

Surviving Stress: Periods of Deliberate Rest

In September 2019, my oldest friend Adam and I signed up for Bear Grylls’ ‘Survive the Highlands’ challenge. And this provided a good analogy for the importance of deliberate rest that I want to share with you today… Simulating a Survival Situation Five days, four nights, 10 men, and me

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Feeling Connected for Health Ownership: photograph taken at Lynbreck Croft of person scratching a pig on the head by Bodyshot Performance.

Feeling Connected for Health Ownership

The final video in the series on health ownership is about feeling connected. For part one, I shared some tips for getting started on taking ownership of your health. Part two, we looked at autonomy: being able to act upon your own values and interests. And the third video was

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Small changes can make a big difference: man drinking from water bottle. Bodyshot Performance

Small Changes for Health Ownership

Welcome to part three in our series about health ownership. For part one, I shared some tips for getting started on this journey, and part two was all about autonomy. This time, we’re going to be focussing on the small stuff: how even small changes can make a huge difference

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