June 20, 2018

Sugar: The Devil’s Delight or a Sweet Treat? The Health Implications of Sugar with Paleo Health Coach Laura Bolton

Have you got a sweet tooth? Most people in the world are suffering from sugar addiction, whether they know it or not, but is sugar really that bad? Join me as I interview paleo health coach Laura Bolton who talks to us about the health implications of sugar. Visit https://www.bodyshotperformance.com/podcasts-blog for complete […]

Sugar: The Devil’s Delight or a Sweet Treat? The Health Implications of Sugar with Paleo Health Coach Laura Bolton Read More »

I feel tired all day and then can’t sleep at night

Are you tired all day and find you can’t sleep at night?  I hear this time and time again from people that we talk to and work with; the idea of being tired and wired. You find that you’re tired all day, you don’t have the energy to get through

I feel tired all day and then can’t sleep at night Read More »